"The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet.
Where they overlap, it is every point of the overlap."
- Novalis

Soul-work, that process of becoming one's essential self, is filled with paradox and contradictions. To faithfully observe the way the soul lives means often being at odds with the conditioned experience of culture. It frequently requires standing apart from consensus reality in order to attend to the needs of the soul.
We are in need of a deeper story, one that reveals our own interior mystery to offset the counterfeit images given to us by a culture disconnected from the sacred. Speaking through dreams, images, illness, grief, longings and symptoms, the soul is calling for a more complete experience of being who we are.
Mentoring is one way of receiving guidance in our movement towards an authentic life. The process is distinct from therapy in that there are no defined goals or outcomes, nothing to be fixed or resolved. What remains is a deepening of attention to recognize what has been there all along, often unseen, obscured by the intensity of modern living.
Mentoring the Life of the Soul is a process that assists you or your group in listening to hear what the soul is calling you to work with in your life. It may be a more elegant story that places your life in the context of the sacred. It may be a call to experience the sorrow for all that has been lost in your world. It may be a call to remember your affection for the wider community to which you belong; the wind, the fox in the woods, the oak savannas, the streams and wild iris. Our time together will offer avenues into a greater intimacy with your life and world, with the terrain indigenous to the soul. Our explorations will lead us into....
* Recovering the ritual of everyday life
* Exploring the dreamtime and the life of the fertile imagination
* Reclaiming your indigenous soul and its connection
with nature and community
* Nurturing creativity and purpose
* Developing practices to support and deepen your artful life
The mentoring sessions are designed to offer sufficient time to explore issues in depth. Meetings last from one to two hours in length, and we meet one or two times a month. Additional times can be arranged. Recommendations for integrating these sessions will be given to assist in drawing meaning from our time together.
For groups, we will contract for a series of meetings and then negotiate further work. Through ritual, dreamwork, imaginal exercises, development of personal practices and dialogue, we will reach for the unseen world, offering gestures of welcome. Reclaiming our deep story moves us closer to the soul's rhythms, which invites us to bring our unique gifts into the world; gifts essential for our collective future together.
Mentoring sessions can be held over phone or Zoom as well. Call to schedule your mentoring sessions today. Mentoring fees are $185/hour. (I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW MENTEES INTO MY PRACTICE)
We are in need of a deeper story, one that reveals our own interior mystery to offset the counterfeit images given to us by a culture disconnected from the sacred. Speaking through dreams, images, illness, grief, longings and symptoms, the soul is calling for a more complete experience of being who we are.
Mentoring is one way of receiving guidance in our movement towards an authentic life. The process is distinct from therapy in that there are no defined goals or outcomes, nothing to be fixed or resolved. What remains is a deepening of attention to recognize what has been there all along, often unseen, obscured by the intensity of modern living.
Mentoring the Life of the Soul is a process that assists you or your group in listening to hear what the soul is calling you to work with in your life. It may be a more elegant story that places your life in the context of the sacred. It may be a call to experience the sorrow for all that has been lost in your world. It may be a call to remember your affection for the wider community to which you belong; the wind, the fox in the woods, the oak savannas, the streams and wild iris. Our time together will offer avenues into a greater intimacy with your life and world, with the terrain indigenous to the soul. Our explorations will lead us into....
* Recovering the ritual of everyday life
* Exploring the dreamtime and the life of the fertile imagination
* Reclaiming your indigenous soul and its connection
with nature and community
* Nurturing creativity and purpose
* Developing practices to support and deepen your artful life
The mentoring sessions are designed to offer sufficient time to explore issues in depth. Meetings last from one to two hours in length, and we meet one or two times a month. Additional times can be arranged. Recommendations for integrating these sessions will be given to assist in drawing meaning from our time together.
For groups, we will contract for a series of meetings and then negotiate further work. Through ritual, dreamwork, imaginal exercises, development of personal practices and dialogue, we will reach for the unseen world, offering gestures of welcome. Reclaiming our deep story moves us closer to the soul's rhythms, which invites us to bring our unique gifts into the world; gifts essential for our collective future together.
Mentoring sessions can be held over phone or Zoom as well. Call to schedule your mentoring sessions today. Mentoring fees are $185/hour. (I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW MENTEES INTO MY PRACTICE)
"...the path to heaven doesn't lie down
in flat miles. It's in the imagination with
which you perceive this world and the
gestures with which you honor it."
- Mary Oliver
in flat miles. It's in the imagination with
which you perceive this world and the
gestures with which you honor it."
- Mary Oliver